Home > Accounts


In the interests of being open and transparent, all Bucklesham Parish Council Accounts can be viewed.

hero piggy bank3Please select the year required (on the right) to view all the accounts documentation, as well as our Internal and External Audit Reports. If you would like the opportunity to view a hard copy of the accounts, please contact the Parish Council Clerk at clerk@buckleshamparishcouncil.gov.uk


Bucklesham Parish Council's Internal Auditor is Mr Trevor Brown. Should you wish to speak to Mr Brown about BPC's accounts, please contact the Parish Council Clerk clerk@buckleshamparishcouncil.gov.uk and your details will be passed on to him.

Bucklesham Parish Council's Accounts are accepted by External Auditor  PKF Littlejohn LLP. They can be contacted at sba@pkf-littlejohn.com