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Quiet Lanes

Quiet Lanes in Bucklesham

Suffolk County Council granted Bucklesham Parish Council's request to designate certain village roads as “Quiet Lanes”.

11. Levington Lane East 2We know that many Bucklesham residents consider Road Safety to be a top priority for the village. Quiet Lanes are intended for shared use by walkers, horse riders, cyclists and other road users to enjoy our country lanes in greater safety and encourage drivers to ‘Expect and Respect’ more vulnerable road users.

Quiet Lanes can offer the opportunity for increased levels of walking and cycling which will contribute to Suffolk County Council’s Public Health aims and its Green Access Strategy. These types of lanes do not impose traffic restrictions and are not enforced. Advisory signs are placed at either end of Quiet Lanes to show motorised users clearly that the road is a shared space. 

12. Levington Lane EastWithin Bucklesham we identified 2 lanes that fit the requirements; Church Lane (beyond the entrances to Church Close and St Mary’s Park) and Levington Lane (from beyond number 92 to Tenth Lane junction).

Traffic surveys were carried out and it was agreed with Suffolk Highways that the lanes we chose were suitable for “Quiet Lane” status. These lanes were already popular with walkers, cyclists and horse riders and the intention was to encourage that use.

This was a county-wide project supported by Suffolk County Council’s Suffolk 2020 Fund, the East Suffolk Greenprint Forum and the East Suffolk Community Partnerships. The aim was to create a network of Quiet Lanes across the county.

Bucklesham was among one of the first parishes in the county to have Quiet Lane status and the Parish Council felt that this would be of real benefit to the village and those who visit us.

The Process of Designation required public awareness and consultation and our meeting was held on 8th April 2021. 

church laneA copy of the presentation is available here and the questions & answers and the minutes from the consultation are available here.




For more information on this project see https://www.quietlanessuffolk.co.uk/