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Bucklesham Players

drama masksThe Bucklesham Players have been performing in the Village since 1969. We produce a Panto every January, and a Variety Show for charity in the late spring.

Over the last few years, our productions have included 'Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves', 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' and 'Sleeping Beauty'.

We are always looking for new members who would enjoy some Amateur Dramatics.  Whether you enjoy being on the stage in the limelight, or backstage with costumes and props, there is a place for you with us.

We can be found at the Bucklesham Village Hall in January with performances at 7.30pm, plus a matinee at 2.30pm on the Saturday.

If you would like any information, or to ask for your details to be passed onto the group, please contact the Parish Council Clerk at clerk@buckleshamparishcouncil.gov.uk  or via facebook buckleshamplayers or follow us on Twitter at @BuckleshamPlayers